I’ve had some comments that a few of you hadn’t seen the pics in my previous post of Rob at the Rome Breaking Dawn signing at Melbooks.  Well here’s another 2 of my absolute favourites – that second photo is another killer. This will keep you entertained while Michelle finishes her post with a few new pics that you definitely haven’t seen before.

The post title  is not a typo – that’s how I feel after reading “Breaking Dawn Part 1 casting & auditions information” on Acting 411 Blog. This site has been pretty reliable before, so I’m not doubting them, but as they say Summit hasn’t officially confirmed that the film is to be made yet, but they don’t usually until last minute or after the fact – very true Acting 411. They say that filming should start in early 2010 and they are aiming for a 2011 release and so I guess they really do have to start the casting process – loads of extras in that second part. If you’re interested you should click on the link. Sorry Twilight fans and affiliates, but if there was ever a film(s) that I wish Rob would have to pull out of because of filming conflicts (score Bel-Ami is being filmed early 2010) it’s this. Note to Rob: please don’t pull out of Bel-Ami because I will be devastated if I have to watch Eddie again rather than Georges and I may have to go to Volterra myself and ask them to destroy me! (Don’t worry I know I’m not a vampire, but that’s just a technicality – right). Photo thanks to Celebuzz.

If you’re interested to hear more about Rob’s role in ‘Remember Me’ you HAVE TO read this interview from Risky Biz. Here, he talked ‘in-depth’ about his role in the movie, meeting with Jenny Lumet (the screenwriter) and why he chose to be involved in the project. He also talked about this role in ‘Unbound Captives’ and what it’d be like to play a Comanche. Oh, and of course – he also confirmed that ‘Breaking Dawn’ is going to be made into a movie (hmm…I’m not commenting to that).
Here’s a snippet of the interview:
HR: How did “Remember Me” come about?
Pattinson: I read the script last summer and then met with (director) Allen Coulter and really liked it. It’s quite a simple story but there was something about the character and way he spoke that was very similar to the way I speak. There is a naturalism to the writing and I really felt a connection to it.
THR: What’s the script about?
Pattinson: I read somewhere it was being described as the modern day “Love Story.” It isn’t anything like “Love Story.” It (“Remember Me”) is really hard to describe. It about a 23-year-old guy and knowing someone for six weeks. You don’t just fall in love and say, I’m in love, after six weeks. It’s really a relationship story. It’s very natural and the characters are incredibly real and well scripted. It’s one of the few scripts I’ve read where you finish and realize you didn’t really want it to end. I have no qualms in saying that (writer) Jenny (Lumet) is a genius.
To read the entire interview, please click here.

Amanda Bell from Examiner.com is saying that “Instead of being listed as “optioned property” on IMDb Pro, Breaking Dawn is now in “script,” and “[p]lanning to start in late spring 2010.” Well that kind of backs up Rob’s comments on the ET interview when he said he was booked up for the next year. Okay – let’s just speculate for a moment.
Rob’s finishing up on New Moon in a few weeks, then he’s off to New York for Memoirs/Remember Me (sorry I prefer the original title and am having trouble letting go), then he’s back in “crazy town” for Eclipse up until November. Hopefully he’s off home to London for Christmas since he usually gives himself a holiday in December. Then it looks like he’s probably back in Feb/March to rehearse for Breaking Dawn which should take him to end of Spring and finally off to Paris in the summer to shoot Bel Ami. Phew – have I got it all because I’m exhausted just thinking about it and I’m not even including any of the premieres for these films (you better be coming to Oz) or press junkets. Rob – I hope somewhere in between all of this you get the time to finish composing that soundtrack you so happily hinted at – not that I”m trying to jinx you – we so want to hear more of your music.
Well as I said, I’m only speculating since Breaking Dawn and Bel Ami haven’t been officially confirmed yet (Rob you’re looking mighty suspicious – what aren’t you telling us). You can read Amanda’s full article by clicking here.

According to MTV, Breaking Dawn has officially gotten a green light from SUMMIT. It is reportedly going to start shooting in Spring 2010. Wow, Summit is really capitalising on Twilight’s success (why not?) and this means Rob will be tied to this project for most of next year as well.