May 29th, 2016 / 0 comments


Not one but two Robert Pattinson films at the Atlantida Film Festival.  Queen of the Desert will be closing the physical festival in Majorca according to Diario de Majorca:

After five editions, the Atlantis Film Fest leaves Barcelona to settle permanently in Palma, which will be the official “physical” host its sixth edition that will leave screenings, concerts, conferences and professional meetings. The online contest will be held from June 27 to July 27 in Filmin [Maria: hence why it’s listed on FILMIN’s website] while parallel Palma have organized activities taking place from 27 June to 3 July.

 This festival will have a single protagonist: Europe. Thus, films, lectures and concerts will discuss four current issues such as border management, the EU policy, the generational dilemma and historical memory. In Palma, twelve “essential to better understand the reality of our continent , “premiering films, say the organizers. Between the two venues (Palma and Filmin), the festival willinclude 45 films and 16 shorts. Notably commercially unreleased films will be scheduled in Spain as Lampedusa in Winter Jakob Brossmann; Mediterranea Jonas Carpignano; Democracy David Bernet or Bang Gang of Eva Husson.
The festival will start 27th in Ciutat Cinema with the screening of Boris Pahor, portrait of a freeman of Fabienne Isartel and Bittersweet Days of Marga Melià and concert Lili’s House . The grand opening will be on June 28 at the Castell de Bellver concert Puríssima and the screening of The Childhood of a Leader of Brady Corbet. 29, Joan Dausà will perform in Ses Voltes, which also screened Les Chevaliers Blancs Joachim Lafosse. In the conference there will Museu Our beloved Spain with Gonzalo Boye, Rafa Escudero and Sebastian Arabia. . Boye Sebastian Arabia will also debut Democracy hit screens Museu de Mallorca on June 30 while Objective: Paris Boukrief Nicholas will be shown in Ses Voltes, which will also act Pablo Und Destruktion. In Misericòrdia five audiovisual industry professionals speak about the 50 errors of European cinema and how to avoid them . On July 1 Andreu Jaume speak at the Museu de Mallorca on Europe, the crisis of a tradition and Refugee Anna Terron without shelter. It is the day in winter Lampedusa is projected. Ses Voltes Mediterranea will be issued and concert The Suicide of Western Culture. On July 2 there will be talk d’Europa A l’Est at the Museu de Mallorca also screened Depht Two Ognjen Glavonic. Ses Voltes will be the turn of Bang Gang and wag recital. The closure was held in Ses Voltes with the Queen of the Desert Werner Herzog July 3.” [My emphasis]
From Filmin:
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More information after the cut

Antlantida Official Website here
I’ll update with ticket information for the screening as soon as it is available.  In the meantime, enjoy their trailer.

UPDATE: 1 June 2016

Complete Schedule from Filmin:

The current unstable situation in Europe has led us to raise this sixth edition of  Atlantis Film Fest as a showcase of questions for answers.To this end, in addition to the 45 films presented online that will be next June 27 to July 27,  we must add a series of lectures, concerts and professional meetings, all free, to be held in Palma from 27 to 3 July . A selection with a single protagonist (Europe) in which we find Kurdish productions and Kosovars, films censored by other festivals, other than the style “Boyhood” been employed for 8 to 10 years for gestation, several titles released this year at festivals pointers as the Berlinale and Rotterdam, movies that speak of sociopolitical conflicts that currently suffer through our social networks or even mobile phones. In other words, Europe today. To her.

Queen of the Desert will be shown as part of the “Remembrance” section. “Remembrance:  remember the mistakes it is the first step to not repeat them again.” The star at the commencement of the movie title means that it is the film’s premiere in Spain.

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Ticket information: “Free entry until complete seats. Screening at SES Voltes

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Release Date: Expected 2025. | Post production as at 14 December 2024.

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