LMAO I really want to know what Rob’s thinking when these mags ask him to pose like this … it’s just crazy. Mugshot no. 342 …

I would have preferred this shot … oh well lucky I like cropping

LMAO I really want to know what Rob’s thinking when these mags ask him to pose like this … it’s just crazy. Mugshot no. 342 …
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Hahaha, love his expression!!!
Hahaha I know @Vicky – it’s like “why the hell do I keep having to do this crap”
Poor Rob. He is still adorable when he is bored
Poor Rob. He is still adorable when he is bored
Poor Rob. He is still adorable when he is bored
LOL awww poor Rob, the things they make him do. Always does them so beautifully though. LOVE your version Maria, much better 😀
Maria we certainly are fucking lucky you like cropping. Thank you.
I would say what Carmel said, but she’s said it enough for both of us. LOL.
lol @Martha *waves*
Aw that smirk is too cute. He really is a good sport.
Hi Lisa *wavesback*
How embarrassment!
My comments never show up until hours later so I have no idea why I did that. Sorry everyone. Sorry Martha 🙂
@Carmel it’s ok, you saved me from typing ;-).
So poor Rob has had to endure 342 of these where he is asked to hold who’s ever mag and take the obligatory “mug shot” is that right?? And please tell me he did not have to endure having a “mug shot’ taken with that dreadful mag that was left on your seats at the W4E premiere 🙁 ?! I vote get Maria to take the pics then the mags wont be in them!! Hahahahahaha That would fix them, It would be like” Oh I’m terrible sorry did you want the mag in the pic???!!
LOL @Cindy – it’s an insult – um Rob I’d like to take a pic – do you mind if I get you to hold this because it’s all about us not you. Maybe they believed that he really was a hand model.